
Political Parties 1800 To 1860

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In 1796 George Washington gave his Farewell Address. Washington urged Americans to avoid excessive political party and geographical distinctions. George Washington was afraid that the parties would continue to grow seeking more power than other groups and eventually splitting the country in two. Washington was aware that other governments viewed political parties as destructive because of the temptation to manifest and retain power, but also because they would often seek to extract revenge on political opponents. So, in Washington’s Farewell Address warned the Americans to not have political parties and to be in union. Unfortunately, the country still till this day have political parties. Many say the era where divided government began before …show more content…

This is called the Era of the Democrats. Thomas Jefferson 's election in 1800 marked the beginning of a period of Democratic domination that was to last until the Civil War. The Federalists soundly defeated in 1800, had disappeared altogether by 1816. For a time, through the Era of Good Feeling, the Democratic Republicans were unopposed in national politics. However, by the mid-1820s they had split into factions, or conflicting groups. In the Rise of the Whig Party (Republican Party) major conflicts over public lands, 2nd National Bank, tariffs, and slavery. Democrats drew most of their support from the South and West. Jacksonian politics produced 3 major changes in politics: voting rights for all white males, huge increase in number of elected offices in US, and practice of giving public offices and contracts to political supporters. The Whig Party rose to oppose Jacksonian politics. This was led by Henry Clay and Daniel Webster. The party was supported by eastern bankers, merchants, industrialists, and the owners of large southern plantations. The tensions over slavery fragmented both parties in the 1850s. The Democrats split into 2 major groups, the North and the South. The Whig Party fragmented and disappeared, leaving several smaller parties trying to attract the former Whigs. The most successful of these smaller parties were the Republicans. The Republicans managed to …show more content…

Its effect on the American political landscape the landmark election was considerable indeed of 1932 brought Franklin Roosevelt to the presidency and the Democrats back to power at the national level. This era is called the Return of the Democrats (1932-1968). The Depression firmly rooted the idea that sometimes it is government who can best help the people. During that time people really didn’t care how much the government became involved in business or industry as long as the economy got better. Roosevelt was supported by southerners, small farmers, organized labor, and big-city political organizations. Roosevelt was elected to 4 terms as President. He died in 1945. His Vice-President, Harry Truman, finished Roosevelt’s 4th term and was elected to a term of his own. Dwight Eisenhower, a Republican, was elected to 2 terms, in 1952 and 1956. The Democrats regained the Presidency when John Kennedy was elected in 1960. Following his assassination, Lyndon Johnson served out Kennedy’s term and was elected to one of his own in

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