In-Depth Look At The Risks Of Weight And Resistance Training

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When it comes to training in the gym, our overall goals and targets in general, will all shape the types of exercises we perform, and indeed, the amount of weight that we can comfortably lift.

The main issue with weight and resistance training, is that people are often so preoccupied with how much weight they can lift, that they sacrifice their form, and not only do they not properly benefit from the exercise, but more importantly, they put themselves at risk of suffering from a debilitating injury.

The great thing about resistance training is that, as there are so many exercises and workouts available for you to perform, you will constantly be able to keep things fresh and interesting.

In terms of popularity, however, there is one exercise …show more content…

If you’re asking yourself ‘how much should I squat’?

By the time you’ve finished this article, all will become clear as we’ll be taking an in-depth look at squats, by providing you with the ultimate guide, which will not only answer the question of how much should I squat, but will also take a look at the dangers of training heavy, the benefits of squats, and how they should be performed.

The risks of heavy squatting – When people talk about training legs, any seasoned lifters amongst you will already know right off the bat, just how brutal leg training can actually …show more content…

However, when squatting, you must ensure that you only squat a weight that you are comfortable with, that allows you to perform several reps before you begin to struggle slightly.

Squatting with weights which are too heavy for, you will put you at risk of blowing out your knees, hurting your back, tearing muscles, pulling muscles, hurting your neck, suffering from a hernia, and much more besides.

Now, you could argue that any heavy lifting would make you vulnerable to the aforementioned setbacks, and whilst that may be true, due to the nature of the exercise, squats do make you a great deal more vulnerable.

The benefits of squatting – Now that we’ve gotten the risks of squats out of the way, let’s now focus on the positives rather than the negatives. Squats are some of the most beneficial exercises you could ever wish to perform, and to help emphasize that fact, take a look at just some of the many, many benefits that this exercise has to offer:

Build more muscle – When it comes to muscular hypertrophy, squats are arguably the best example of a compound exercise that you could ever wish for. Squats will not only help you to build a strong, powerful, and the muscular lower body, but squats will also help you to build muscle on your upper body as

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