
Justice In Romeo And Juliet

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A classic work of art, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, strongly guides readers to the concept and memories of love at first sight. With clever dialogue, competition and rivalry, humorous teases, and insight to brave and passionate romance, Shakespeare demonstrates a powerful connection between emotion and justice. Set in Verona, two children from rivaling families, Romeo and Juliet, come together at a ball thrown by Capulet, instantly falling in love. The two vow to secretly get married when Romeo, from the Montague party, climbs Juliet’s balcony confessing their love. Through Romeo’s impulsive behavior, Tybalt’s compulsiveness, and Capulet’s frustrations, Shakespeare suggests that emotions without self reflection lead to poor and …show more content…

In a confrontation with Juliet, Capulet releases his fury at her disobedience and reluctance by saying, “Wife, we scarce thought us blest./ That God had lent us but this only child./ But now I see one is one too much./ And that we have a curse in having her./ Out on her, hilding/” (3.5. 181). Parents influence their children profoundly through both actions and words, so at times the responsibilities and their expectations of their children deny them of seeing the reality that kids should not be controlled to fulfill the parents’ wishes. Capulet should control his anger, instead of lashing out on Juliet, just because she refuses to do something he wants. The result of his anger towards Juliet causes her to drink the potion, because she would rather die than marry Paris. Capulet’s frustration only occurs, when things don 't seem to go his way. Once, Juliet obeys her father’s commands, Capulet 's feelings towards her changes as he says “ Why, I am glad on’t. This is well. Stand /up… My heart is wondrous light/ Since this same wayward girl is so

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