Japanese Fashion Trends Analysis

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It’s safe to say that Kimonos still exist as a rarity in the streets of modern Japan. Traditional Japanese clothing is now just worn during special ceremonies or events such as weddings and summer festivals. This is partly due to the western influence took place in the early 20th century. According to Jeffrey Hay, an author who wrote about Japanese fashion trends after the end of the Second World War, stated that women adopted the “American style of narrow-waist skirts” and this began the skirt wearing culture of Japanese women. In the 1980’s, Japan experienced a rapid economic growth termed the “bubble” (Iwamoto 2006) economy. Since people were earning more, the way they consumed clothing changed as well. It is ironic that Japan that changed its traditional fashion consumer behavior before, during and after the bubble economy and developed a completely westernized fashion sense due to the western clothing market expansion that took place in the 1980’s.

The Japanese Economy grew continuously after the war, but people remained consumer behavior remained conservative. Yuko Hasegawa’s piece in …show more content…

All consumer product prices increased exponentially, but wages were also increased to maintain consumer spending. This phenomenon caused imported fashion goods and brands to start to appear more in the Japanese market. It can probably be noted that this has lead to the brand preference that Japanese people have nowadays. The “DC Burando meaning designer and character brands” began to trend in Japan during this period. The DC brand are clothes that have “insignias” or brand marks to make identifying a brand easy. Almost every product in Japan now has a brand, and consumers have a preference in terms of the product and its

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