LED Lights Benefits

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Reason and Benefits of using LED grow lights for tomatoes LED grow lights for tomatoes are a great choice for farmers looking for ways to reduce energy costs for their indoor gardens. The efficiency and ability of LED lamps to produce different types of lights are some of the characteristics that make them more appealing than their counterpart HPS, fluorescent and other traditional lights. In addition, they are long-lasting, rugged and environmentally friendly. This means that they provide both financial and environmental benefits. Benefits of growing tomatoes in indoor farms There several advantages of growing tomatoes and other plants in greenhouses or other indoor facilities. This is because the conditions inside the facility are controlled …show more content…

With such a system, the farmers can even grow the tomatoes near markets, hence reducing the transport times and costs as well as the supply uncertainties due to poor weather. The produce will also reach the market in a shorter time when it is still fresh and have the best taste and nutritional value. Using LED grow lights for tomatoes in the indoor farms The indoor gardens enable the farmers to grow tomatoes during the out-of-season periods, as well as in areas where the weather is not favorable for the plants. But the farmers have to provide the conditions similar to what the tomatoes require in the natural outdoor environment. This includes the nutrients, water, humidity, sunlight and more. However, it is usually a challenge getting adequate sunlight onto the indoor tomatoes. This is especially so when the windows are small, during winter and other times when the days are shorter. Farmers can overcome this with the artificial lights such the LED grow lights, fluorescents, and other traditional lamps. Of all these sources, the LED lamps are the most cost-effective and have the potential to produce better quality if optimized …show more content…

Unless it is a cold month, the farmer must remove this excess heat from the facility - to prevent damage to the plants. This is in itself an additional equipment cost since it requires installing cooling systems which will also consume more electricity to run. Benefits of LED grow lights for tomatoes Low energy consumption and costs They have low consumption and hence low production costs. Unlike the traditional bulbs which produce a general light containing both useful and unnecessary wavelengths, the LEDs are highly customizable such that they only produce what the plant needs. One of the major benefits of the LED lights is to produce specific light colors that the tomatoes require. This means that they convert almost all the electricity they consume into useful light energy for the plants, hence less energy use compared to the traditional lamps. No cooling requirements LED lamps do not release a lot of heat to the environment, hence no need to cool the indoor garden. On the other hand, the difference between the energy a traditional light consumes and what is useful to the plant is much larger. The additional energy is released as heat which farmer must remove using additional air conditioning equipment and

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