
Marginalization In The Happiest Refugee By Rachel Perkins

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In Ahn Do's, 'The Happiest Refugee' and the film, 'Bran Nue Dae' directed by Rachel Perkins, marginalisation is shown throughout both the memoir and film in the form of racial/cultural and asylum seeker/refugee differences. Being marginalised can deeply affect an individual's self esteem and not only cause society to look at the individual differently, but also the person affected to look at themselves differently.

Marginalisation for aboriginals began right back during the British invasion where they were evicted from their own country, the stolen generation occurred and their health care, education, employment and housing was severely limited.

Aboriginals generally STILL live in poor conditions and even though aboriginal people represent …show more content…

Very strict rules apply amongst the boys and therefore they are very restricted and have not much freedom. Also, aborigines are negatively portrayed as drunks and thieves, (mainly by Uncle Tadpole and his influence over Willie), however, it is also shown through many of the other aboriginals they come to meet on their journey. They are represented as people who do not follow the rules of society and have very complex love lives (eg. Willie's …show more content…

The Australians were attacked at a rubber plantation in Long Tan. Even though eighteen Australians were killed in the Battle of Long Tan and 24 wounded, they had faced some 2,500 Vietnamese.

The Happiest Refugee tells the story of Ahn Do and his family and their struggle to get to Australia, living through two terrifying pirate attacks all while on a 9 meter boat on which were 40 Vietnamese adults and children. And even when they miraculously arrive in Australia, 'the lucky country', faced poverty, tragedy, family breakup, racism, cruelty and of course marginalisation. Lots of refugees like Ahn have to leave their own country, learn the ways of society and culture, even learn a new language and overcome marginalisation.

In 'The Happiest Refugee' chapter six, after many misfortunes strike the family, Anh's father decides to leave the family and Ahn does not see him for the rest of his childhood. This forces his mother to take care of Ahn, his sister and his brother by herself. She suffers financial stress, sacrificing so much for her children and living a very difficult life as a result. All this and more affects many refugees/asylum seekers every day all across

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