SAT Problem Solving Research Paper

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Introduction: Motivation: Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) problems take a great interest in mathematical logic and computing theories. The importance of this problem lies in its representation of many problems in different areas such as planning, scheduling, software testing and other areas. SAT solver solves SAT problems, but there is another solver that solves these problems which is called Partial MaxSAT (PMSAT) solver. PMSAT is considered to be an improvement of SAT solver which is distinguished from SAT solver by its flexibility in solving problems. Therefore, the authors are interested in solving curriculum course timetabling problem by using PMSAT solver and measure its effectiveness in solving this problem. Overview of SAT, PMSAT and Course Timetabling Problems: SAT problems is an interesting domain in Artificial Intelligence. It is an open problem in complexity theory. Also, it is considered to …show more content…

SAT problem concentrates on hard constraints, but not all problems require hard constrains therefor SAT problem has many types like MaxSAT and PMSAT which are softer than SAT on constraints. The Max-SAT problem for a CNF formula φ is to find a model that maximizes the number of satisfied clauses in φ. The PMSAT is an extension of Max SAT .It is better for solving NP-hard problems which used to find a model for the hard clauses that maximizes the number of satisfied soft [3]. Course Timetabling (CTT) problem consists of weekly scheduling of lectures [4]. Every teacher can teach one course at a time, and every room contains one course at a time, therefor must satisfy multiple constraints and solve the conflict [5]. If a conflict of courses according to the curricula of university and not based on enrollment of data we called curriculum course timetabling problem. We apply PMSAT for handling the CCTT

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