
Mercantilism In 1700

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The issue that angered colonists the most in the New World was Britain’s taxation. Towards the beginning of 1700’s, most taxes in the colonies were based on settlement assemblies and land ownerships, but the addition of taxes on trade only created more tension. Before colonists could unload the docks, they had to pay the taxes before they were allowed to get the items off the ships. Whenever someone bought goods that were traded, they were paying an unintended tax from London which was not tolerated by Americans. The distance between Britain and the colonies gave Americans more independence giving them the advantage. Although, there were other authorities present to try to keep the colonists under control. In the colonies, the role of …show more content…

The main materials Europeans sought after were silver and gold because it symbolized a country’s superiority. A “favorable balance of trade” promoted a better work ethic to supply goods which benefitted the economy. The Navigation Acts were formed due to England’s competition with the Dutch for trade. So, these acts were created to ensure that only English ships could exchange goods with the colonies and the items could not be brought out of the domain. Mercantilism caused the colonies to be in debt to England because the goods that they exported were not as valuable as the goods imported from England. This actually benefitted the colonies because it caused the English to subsidize American assets. Although some aspects of mercantilism hurt the colonists, they found loopholes in the system so it didn’t have as bad an impact which helped improve the economy in the …show more content…

Alliances divided Europe between Great Britain and Prussia against Austria along with the French. King George, having to accept defeat, had no choice, but to allow William Pitt take control over the situation in the New World. Pitt exhausted Britain’s funds to try to gain security that the English would win the war and used British naval ships over sea to help strengthen the English army. His efforts to defeat the French were a success and he was able to conquer Fort Niagara, Crown Point, Fort Duquesne (later renamed Fort Pitt), and Canada. The Treaty of Paris was an established agreement that stated what regions of the New World belonged to which countries resolving peace in Europe. The English colonists in America owed the victory of the French and Indian War to Britain, who also had to take most of the responsibility to finance damages of the

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