
Monster In Frankenstein

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In Mary Shelley's “Frankenstein” the creation of Victor Frankenstein stays on the fringe of what it means to be a monster. He is an enigma, and we are unable to comprehend him. He fits all the components of what it means to be a monster, as laid out in “Monster Culture” by Jeffrey Cohen, while simultaneously breaking them. The being takes these boundaries and weaves throughout them, unable to be fully put into a particular schema. While parts of him can be put into these mental filing cabinets, no preconceived notion of what it is to be a monster fits Victor Frankenstein's creation. Another one of Cohen’s monster thesis is that a monster dwells at the gate of difference. Frankenstein's creation fits this. He is completely different from …show more content…

Which the creation does through his ability to learn and yearn for a mate. Another definition of being human is having characteristic of people's better qualities, such as kindness or sensitivity. The entity shows this when he stops stealing food from the family when he realizes they are poor. After that, he gathers food in the woods, as well as firewood for the family. The human side of the creation is also expressed when Victor passes away, when “He utters exclamations of grief and horror” revealing that he has harbored emotion for his now dead creator. What monster has conscience? Victor Frankenstein's describes his magnum opus as "beautiful" yet repulsive its "yellow skin… lustrous black, and flowing hair… and teeth of pearly whiteness." Victor describes the monster's eyes, considered by some to be the windows upon the soul, as "watery eyes… the same colour as the dun-white sockets in which they were set". While the monster looks and acts exactly like a human being, it is like no human that has walked before it. Another of Cohen’s seven theses is that the monster is always a harbinger of category crisis. …show more content…

As well as possessing immense speed, He leads Victor on a months long chase after murdering Victor's wife. Nonetheless, the so-called monster also excels in being found. He seeks out Victor easily, whether Victor is across the country, high up in the mountains or sailing across the sea. The monster is constantly with Frankenstein. Victor is unable to elude his creation. Finally Cohen explains that a true monster defends and guards the border of what is possible. The monster further acts as a warning for those who dare to push the limits. The entity torments his creator and serves as a constant reminder of the folly of man playing god. The creation killed both Frankenstein's wife and child as well as tormented Dr. Frankenstein himself. However, the creature is the epitome of enlightened living, possessing heightened intelligence and strength. He also served his purpose of being created, which was to explore the ability to cheat death and could have served as a stepping off point for newfound medical

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