
Motley Crew Research Paper

191 Words1 Pages
The motley crew, made up of sailors and slaves led fights, revolts, and rebellions that stirred a change in America and led to the American Revolution. The sailors and slaves repeatedly received the short end of the stick in the British Colonial Empire. In response, they were unafraid to start conflicts and instigate hostilities between themselves and the upper class of merchants and plantation owners. They led rebellions against the injustices they saw, from press-gangs to worker’s wage riots and the re-enslavement of free-men. The motley crew led to politicians believing that all men are equal with unalienable rights, not just British land-owning men. The concept of equality for “all” became a founding principal of America. The acts of the lower class in the motley crew led to an inspirational revolution in America and many other countries to follow.

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