My Buddy Budweiser Research Paper

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Nerissa Walton WRIT 201 Essay #3 Oct. 28, 2015 My Buddy Budweiser: Behind alcohol addiction When I was 20 I had my buddy. To begin with, there was nothing can compare the sounds of laughing, giggling and joking, and clinking of beer bottles. The fun never seemed to stops. While they are pouring the liquid, I ask my buddies how does it tastes because it smells awful. “Come on Nerissa, it's not that bad, just give it a try,” my friend said. After a couple of shots, the sweet bitter taste of it makes me want to have more. I felt tipsy, and my words started to slur. Despite the feeling of tipsy, I can still sing and dance without a shame because of my buddies. Everything seems spinning around me. But no one can stop me except, I had to run to …show more content…

The meeting might help him quit drinking. Bruce went in the AA meeting. However, after the meeting the some member he knew offers him to go out and drink. It was an ineffective meeting. He is trying to avoid them, but sometimes he wants to go because there is no one to hang out, except for my husband. He confessed he missed the laughing and his drinking buddies. And also he admitted, that sometimes his body is craving for alcohol, he even described how the first couple of days after he stops drinking his body is shaking and wants to drink some alcohol. Bruce’s friend didn't even visit him at the hospital, but my husband give him a ride back from the hospital. The doctor prescribes some medicine to make him sleep all day and some anti depression pills to keep his mind away from the thirst of …show more content…

There is so much in this world that our happiness doesn't depend on alcohol. We have our families, or even a friend who aren’t drinker. Choose who are you going to hang out. If somebody offers alcohol just say no and be firm. Most important every family needs to address the problem of alcohol addiction seriously and they should not tolerate alcohol in their home. It is not easy, it's a fight between a life against alcohol. We need to understand their situation. When a person drinks they don't have the right mind. Different from the person who does not drink. He has the capability to think clear than the person who is addicted and abused on alcohol. We should fight alcohol addiction by watching who are your children's friends. We should meet our children’s friend and get to know them. Especially the person they mostly hang out. Indeed, prevention is better than cure. But the family need to act sooner before the alcohol damages their whole body and brain. Aside from body and brain damage, the prolonged alcohol abuse loses calcium. Their bone become brittle and weak. In short, If they fall their bone may break, like the story of

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