
Native-American Themes In The Red Convertible By Louise Erdrich

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The author of The Red Convertible Louise Erdrich was born in Little Falls, Minnesota in 1954. As the daughter of a Chippewa Indian mother and a German-American father, Erdrich explores Native-American themes in her works, with major characters representing both sides of her heritage. In an award-winning series of related novels and short stories, Erdrich has visited and re-visited the North Dakota lands where her ancestors met and mingled, representing Chippewa experience in the Anglo-American literary tradition. In addition to her numerous award-winning novels and short story collections, Erdrich has published three critically acclaimed collections of poetry, Jacklight (1984), Baptism of Desire (1989) and Original Fire: New and Selected Poems …show more content…

He and his brother Lyman went on an adventurous road trip for the whole summer after they purchased the car. The description of the trip felt relaxing and a pleasure for them both. A great example of that is the passage were Lyman says” some people hang on details when they travel, but we don’t let that bother us and we just lived our lives here to there.” After that, they pick up a girl named Susy and took her to her home in Alaska. While they are in Alaska, Robert enjoyed time with Lyman and Susy family and had a few good moments of laughter with them before traveling back home with Lyman. To me this trip seemed symbolized the phrase “the calm before the …show more content…

Lyman knew that Robert had changed when he came home from war, but I don’t think he got the full gist of what was going on in Robert’s head. A clear sign that there was something seriously wrong with Robert is when he and Robert were watching tv together and saw the blood coming down Robert’s chin. I think whatever they were watching give Robert a mental flashback, which is a f the symptoms of PTSD. I think Robert knew exactly what was going on with him. That why he fixed up the car and took Lyman and himself for one last car ride and bonding moment before ending his

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