Nature And Urban Life In Robert Frost's Poetry

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“ In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on” (Robert Frost). Robert Frost was born in San Francisco, California, on March 26, 1874. He grew up in Lawrence, Massachusetts and moved to New England with his wife and children in 1912. A couple years after they moved to England World War I began, forcing Frost and his family to move back to America. Frost wrote many poems throughout his career, The Road Not Taken, and West Running Brook are some of his most famous pieces. Many of his poems have impacted American culture because his poems are about nature and urban life. His poems are still being read in classes and in homes all around the world today. One of the most influential writers of the twentieth century …show more content…

In Natalie Bober’s biography the poem was published in 1916, it is about the speaker who has came to a split or a fork in the road between two paths. The speaker is unsure which path to choose to walk down.. He looks down one path and chose to reside to the other. In that time period cars were not as important or as a well known form of transportation at that time. “ Two roads diverged in a yellow wood” (Bober, 1991) The road he is referring to is more of a path or a trail going through the yellow woods, meaning the leaves on the tree were yellow which is saying it is in the fall. “ And sorry I could not travel both and be one traveler, long I stood”. (Bober, 1991) He is saying that he is standing in front of both paths not sure which one to take and feels some type of regret for not choosing the other path. “ And having perhaps the better claim, because it was grassy and wanted wear”.(Bober,1991) The speaker is saying that he chose the better path. He explains the road as being grassy and wanted wear, meaning it has not been walked on recently. “ Oh, I keep the first for another day” (Bober, 1991 ). The speaker shows that there is always a second chance to come back and try another time. Toward the end of the poem he says “ Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference” (Bober, 1991). The speaker is saying that he took the path that no one did take and that is …show more content…

In the poem Frost explains that no matter how beautiful or perfect something is, I can not stay forever. In the first line Frost is explaining nature's first green. “ Nature's first green is gold”(Frost, 2018). When he says nature's first green he is referring to it being spring. He also says that it is gold, in the next line he says “ her hardest hue to hold”( Frost, 2018). He is saying that gold is the hardest hue for nature to hold, so the first color we see in spring does not stay for long. He goes on to say “ Her early leaf's a flower but only so an hour”(Frost, 2018). He is saying that the first leave is a flower but it it only stays for a couple of days or weeks. It eventually will go away and turn into a leaf again. “ Then leaf subsides to leaf so Eden sank to grief”( Frost, 2018). He says that the leave at the beginning of the poem goes away but becomes a leave again. He also refers to the biblical scripture when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden and commited a sin. Both of the events are considered a tragic event but in the story of Adam and Eve if they were not to eat the forbidden fruit we would not be here today. So he is hinting that there is light in the darkness. In the end of the poem he says “ So dawn goes down to day, nothing gold can stay”(Frost, 2018). He is saying that even when someone might sin there is always another chance and it will go away.

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