
Observing Mckenzie Research Paper

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Observing Mckenzie of five weeks and listening to Michelle talk about her was actually interesting. Mckenzie has blue eyes, blond hair and is able to make some little noises, move her arms, but she is still not capable to control her head/neck, which means that is not fully developed. learned many interesting concepts and I was able to relate it to my younger siblings. An engaging topic Michelle talked about was the importance of nursing. I thought it was super nice for her to inform us that it is important for first time parents to take classes on how to take care of their child. Nursing is essentially important because depending on how we take care of our children with determine the future health of the child. For example, she shared with us Mckenzie’s schedule which is, first thing in …show more content…

All of Mckenzie’s siblings were waiting for excitement to see her, however the one that was desperate to see baby Mckenzie was the 4-year-old boy. The four-year-old kid used to talk and sing to her when she was in the belly. Therefore, the only person that can calm down Mckenzie with music is her four-year-old brother. When she shared this with us I was amused because that means that it is true what people say about how babies can recognize sounds after birth. But, more amazing is the fact that babies can recognize the people who loved them even before meeting them. I thought it was really cute how Mckenzie feels safe only with mom. The fact that she becomes calm when her mom carries her or when mom feds her shows the huge attachment there is between mom and child right after birth. It was interesting to learn that it is good to put some background noise such as music or the T.V. when a baby is sleeping. This could be helpful in the future if having more than one child who are noisy, therefore the baby like Mckenzie would not have to wake up every time she hears a

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