
Officer Burkes-Personal Narrative

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On 06/14/2017 around 1750 hours, I, Officer Burkes, responded to a report of a suspicious person knocking on a door at 1504 Homestead Blvd. The caller stated that a white male was bleeding all over her door and asking her to call 911. When I arrived on scene, I noticed a white male, later identified as Alex Schesny, sitting between the screen door and steele door. I asked Alex to get up and walk out to the back of my patrol car. Once on the back of my car, I retrieved my gloves out of the front seat. I noticed Alex had a large hematoma above his right eye, a possible orbital rupture of his left eye and a large laceration on the back of his right arm. Alex was bleeding from his nose and other lacerations on his legs and feet. When I asked Alex who did this to him, he stated that Brian Henwood. I asked Alex where it happened at and all he could tell me was down the street. While talking with Alex, I could smell a strong odor of alcohol coming from his person. Acadian was dispatched to my location. Once Acadian arrived on scene, they advised Alex he needed to go to the …show more content…

Bever called me back to him with my Taser because Alex began to get out of control. Once I pulled my Taser out, Alex calmed back down. Myself and Sgt. Bever assisted Alex to the stretcher. When Alex was on the stretcher, he became verbally abusive toward Rosemary with acadian. Alex even reached over to Rosemary and grabbed her in the crotch area. Alex also tried to spit on Rosemary. Once this happened, Sgt. Bever held Alex 's arms down while Rosemary applied restraints. I applied pressure on Alex 's face to keep his head turned so he could not spit or bite any of us while he was being restrained. While Alex was being resistive, Acadian Paramedic gave him a shot of Ketamine to calm him down. Within 5 minutes, Alex was relaxed and sedated. Once loaded up on the ambulance, Alex was transported to Singing River Hospital for

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