
Paris During The Industrial Revolution

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Shouts filled the air as various sellers promoted their goods. The putrid stench of human excrement contaminated the air and the bleak horizon was consumed with smog and tall buildings, rendering any air polluted. These elements came together launching an all-out assault on your senses. Both Paris and Vienna experienced these conditions. Both cities shared the same common health problems, from a lack of fresh air to the rampant spread of disease, as well as over-crowding, which then lead to economical segregation. These cities had issues as an outcome of the Industrial Revolution. Ironically, this same event would eventually solve the problems by reshaping the cities and creating healthier, more efficient spaces to live in.
Paris and Vienna, …show more content…

Now that the streets were wider, this did away with the litany of traffic and congestion in the city. Along with adding to the egress of flow, the wider streets would eventually allow for the incorporation of electric trolleys. Since the streets were wider and thus allowing for trollies and egress of travelers, this cut down on the time that it took people to cross the city. The additional time then transformed into time they could use for leisure such as going to parks, which were created by the transformation of the city. The wider streets also allowed for aqueducts, which in increased potable water. In cohesion with this, the wider street allowed for gutters which then fostered better sanitation and better health. However, the creation of the parks, more so the creation of the wider streets, led to the displacement of the lower-class citizens. They were now displaced to the outskirts of the city, creating a longer commuting time, and possibly needing to search for a new job. The disruption of the streets also affected the upper-class. Since the streets were wider, this gave rise to taller and better buildings. The land around the boulevards was now highly desirable and as such, taken over by the upper-class. This lead to a movement of the upper class, going along with the displacement of the lower-class. The effects of reshaped Paris were able to create an efficient, sanitary city, much like the effects of the Ringstrasse on the city of

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