
Patrick Henry's Speech Summary Or Give Me Death

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Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death by Patrick Henry, March, 1775
The United States of America stirs contradicting feelings for many people in the world including those who live here, but none of them can deny that it took a lot of courage and open-mindedness for the people of the colonies to break away from the British. One man in particular, Mr. Patrick Henry, gave a speech that showed how courageous he was. His speech was given to the second Virginian convention on why they should vote to raise a militia to defend Virginia from the British Royal Navy. At the time many people still believed that the colonies and Great Britain could reconcile, so Patrick Henry had to make clear, strong messages about the need to stand up to the British even if …show more content…

John’s in Richmond, Virginia Patrick Henry explained his view on how the British should be handled in a way that was sincere and powerful to those who listened and even those who would end up reading about it later on. His willingness to say the words “give me liberty or give me death” is something many consider today to be one of the most impactful moments in this nation's history. Without Patrick Henry’s speech, America would not be something anyone today would recognize as it inspired many to stop believing in false hope and instead make strides to protect their rights as citizens whether it be British or …show more content…

Which is the action that set the leaders of Virginia off and ultimately led to the consideration of a militia. In Henry’s speech, he is saying that these actions show that the British have no intention of finding a peaceful resolution. Henry professed that he, “wish[es] to know what there has been in the conduct of the British ministry for the last ten years to justify those hopes with which gentlemen have been pleased to solace themselves and the House” (Henry 1). He is pointing out that the men he is addressing have no reason to think that anything will change with the British unless force is used and that they are only keeping their stances up to protect themselves. While rebellions are hard to start and even harder to keep going Henry does an excellent job at coaxing the members of the Virginia convention to his side through his speech. Henry knew that he and anyone else who voted in favor of the militia were essentially signing their own death warrants for the British, but he went ahead anyways for the people of the

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