Essay About Being Myself

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Every person we see is different. Their appearance, their build, even the way they talk. In fact, most of us, including myself, are not one race or culture. On any application or my ACT, I have always checked the Caucasian/White box but there is more to it. My mother’s mother is from Kentucky then to Tennessee and then into Michigan. From her parents, her background includes Cherokee Indian on her mother’s side. My Mother’s father had three mixed backgrounds including Scottish, Irish, and Welsh. My father’s mother is German and Sweetish. I do not know my father’s fathers’ heritage. My heritage, traditions, gender, age, religion, social status, and experiences are what makes me the person I am today. To begin, some of my grandparents and …show more content…

I have always been told to be safe day or night and don’ trust people I don’t know. Today, I am always aware of my surrounds. Another experience is how I am supposed to sit, dress, and act in society. Growing up, I have always been more of a tomboy and grew up having fun playing sports and video games. I rarely wore skirts or dresses to school growing up. Being a female has and will keep impacting me. The way I act, sit, or dress will always be an issue to some people but the world is changing but I am proud of who I …show more content…

I got a job through a after school program called teen quest. It gave me a sense of independence through a paycheck and responsibility. It was memorable because it was a fun place to work and had a great boss. It has impacted me because of the new skills I acquired on the job and showed me the everyday life in the workplace. Another special event was enrolling for college. It was last fall and it seemed very difficult from high school. Although, I did attend college before it was official here at baker college. It impacted me by showing me my career in in view and only a few more years of schooling. It gives me independence by scheduling my classes, driving to school, and keeping up my

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