Jane Austen's 'Harry Potter': Flashback

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"Harry Potter" : Speaking

'Harry Potter' : Thinking

"Harry Potter" : Written/Reading

Harry Potter : Flashback


I woke up with a start; my mind slow, muddled and hazy. Turning my head, my eyes were greeted by the vision of an unknown darkness; like the one that had, for a long time, greeted me in my cupboard.

'Where am I?'

I did not know the answer to that thought, in fact, I-I… couldn't remember anything at the moment; anything at all. 'Wh-what! W-why!'

Confusion took over my sanity. 'J-just what is happening!? W-where am I? Wh-who am I?'

And so did irritation. 'Who is doing this to me!? WHO?!'

I tried moving around but, for some reason, all I could do was squirm. I felt confined and restricted, as if I had been rolled in some …show more content…

'She killed me.'

'She killed me.'

'She killed me.'

'She killed me!'

'She killed me!'

'She killed me!'


I struggled in my prison. 'She killed me!' I wiggled and I squirmed and I struggled with all my might. 'She killed me!' I channeled my rage into freeing myself. 'She killed me!' I had to. 'She killed me!' I just had to. 'SHE KILLED ME!'

Coldness hit my head with a rush of air. This was my chance, my chance to be free. I struggled and thrashed and pressed at the opening, to expand it, and finally I pushed myself through it. 'I am free. Finally fucking free.'

But all of my excitement, my joy and my happiness turned sour at the sight that greeted me in my freedom. And what a fucking sight it was.

In front of me, lay huge balls, almost the same size as me. And out of many of them, things were crawling out. Green and black and elongated things.

'Insects.' My mind supplied before it corrected itself. 'No, not insects. Caterpillars.'

Horror descended on me as I looked around.

Eggs. Eggs. And more eggs. 'Those round balls are eggs! They aren't prisons! They are …show more content…

Wherever my eyes looked, the sea of eggs stretched! And out of most of them, things were coming out; things that were caterpillars.

My mind told me to look down, to look at myself. But my heart didn't want to, for it was afraid. No, it wasn't my heart, it was me. I was afraid; afraid of what I'd find.

Before I could do anything about my fear, something primal hit me and took over me and my mind. It was all I could think about as it overwhelmed me. It forced me to look down, look at what was beneath my body.

Hunger had overcome me and it was forcing me to eat whatever it was that was beneath my body.

But as I looked down, I saw what I had

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