Persuasive Essay About Weightlifting

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Weightlifting isn’t just for enmourse bodybuilders who lift hundreds of pounds. It is also for teens who want to be in better shape. There are many benefits to weight lifting including building muscle, getting stronger, etc. While a minority of people can get injured, weightlifting is overall safe when done right. There are many ways to get injured in anything, including weight lifting. But while teens are still young, it is important to have a trained professional or someone who has experience to help the teen out. Not only can weightlifting make you physically but also mentally, by giving a better feeling because of the hard work that person puts in. Weightlifting isn’t the only reason why people get stronger, they also have to have a healthy …show more content…

So many people get to enjoy the great experience of weightlifting because they have a little common sense and don’t get injured. It is perfectly fine if someone is new to weight lifting, but that person should definitely consider getting help from someone with experience. “I cannot stress enough the importance of having a trained professional on hand” (“Should Child Athletes Lift Weights?”). Many people think that they have to know how to weight lift and not learn it. It will always be ok to weight lift with someone that has more experience than you, so you can learn from them. Just because weightlifting can make someone look like a whole new person physically, it can also make someone feel like a whole new person mentally …show more content…

Even athletes that don’t do weightlifting do a variety of things. “If you are new to strength training, start with body weight exercises for a few weeks (such as sit-ups, push-ups, and squats) and work on your form and technique without using weights''. As described in “Healthy Lifestyle”, people shouldn’t stress lifting heavy weights but doing a variety of good things for someone’s body. Great athletes understand that to have a great physique they have to work all areas of their body. That’s why they are so successful at what they

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