Petals Of Blood And Matigari Analysis

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Colonization of Africa The European settlers forcibly seized Africans land, resources and plantation. European created myth of “white man’s burden” is to show themselves as enlightened and as someone who is above common natives whereas Africans as savage, uncivilized and barbarians. But it only reveals one fact that how dehumanizing colonialism was in terms of creating hierarchy by categorizing human being. European imperialist mission to dominate the colonized land was based on three main factors i.e. economical, political, and social. The relationship between the colonizer and the colonized became an unequal power game of conquest and domination. Colonialism motivated and involved a wide range of plunder, loot, enslavement …show more content…

His writing has been exploring of the painful psychological impact of colonial cultural decline. Comrade Mzala rightly opines that “Art is an important weapon in the struggle; it either reinforces or undermines the power of the oppressor”. Through the novel Petals of Blood and Matigari we see Ngugi writing as a strong social satire. Both novels portray the life after colonial era but the common thing is the same situation and problem faced by natives during colonialism. Ngugi works are characterized by criticism against European unacceptable law and injustice. Petals of Blood revolve around ruthless capitalist and deals with issues like land, history, education and exploitation. Religion in both novels is used as a tool to enslave the mind and soul of natives. Ngugi in his works like The Trial of Dedan Kimathi, Petals of Blood, Detained and Matigari has focused on the plights of the oppressed because it is the fiction that could rouse the consciousness of the masses. Ngugi works for the change in society that kind of society which promotes unequal social order. Ngugi’s writing has been the questioning of the painful experience of colonialism. His novel Petals of Blood was published in 1977 and his second text in Gikuyu was Matigari published in 1987. Theme of land, education, betrayal and proletarian consciousness are highlighted in Petals of Blood and Matigari. Ngugi depicts …show more content…

The oppression of black people according to Fanon deals with psych-analytic theory to show the dependency of black people. The work by Fanon explains the divided state of black subject’s mind that constantly faces the divide. These black subjects are devoid of any true identity or self-esteem. Thus these natives in the white world are now ready to embrace the culture of Europe. It produces an inferiority complex so they in a white world become abnormal, because their self is denied to them and moreover depicted as villains by whites in their magazines, papers and cartoon forces blacks to internalize their inferiority. Black Skin, White Masks majorly stresses on the problem of race and color. Survival of one’s culture, language and memory is in the real sense survival of one’s own identity and

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