
Political Ideologies In The Republican Party

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Throughout the world we all have different political ideologies, meaning we all have different ideas and values about how the role of government should function. We base these ideas and values from our religious background, culture and our philosophical beliefs. Our country in particular has the luxury of deciding who gets to rule because we are a democracy. The two significant political ideologies that are well known around our country are liberal and conservative philosophies. The two beliefs play an important role in the republican party and democratic party which also shapes our political system. Many people who identify as being a member of the republican party today would also identify to be conservative and if you are part of the democratic …show more content…

The two ideologies have never seen eye to eye when it comes to many public policies but this one had many Americans involved. To grasp what factor played a role on deciding the ruling of the case (whether same sex marriage should be legal) we must look into the dynamics of the ideologies to see where they stood and how this controversial issue was resolved. By definition a conservative is “a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics.” Conservatives want to preserve the traditional values of America and protect the the American values and that’s where you will see the differences between the conservative and liberal beliefs because liberals want to change the Americans values and alter them. Both ideologies have the best interest in making America great but they both have different ideas on how they would want to do it. For instance many conservatives argue that marriage is between one man and …show more content…

They also believe marriage is the union of two people who love each other and this means that no matter what gender you are you have the right to marry and denying anyone this right is in violation of their civil rights. “For example, in Loving v. Virginia, the Court invalidated bans on interracial marriage. In determining whether the same legal reasoning should apply to same-sex marriage, the Court must respect the fundamental reasons for protecting the right to marry in other cases. The Supreme Court held that this analysis led to the conclusion that same-sex couples must have the right to marry.” They are trying to change the views of how people look at marriage and that it shouldn’t be restricted to anyone no matter how long a tradition is our society is forever evolving and socialization is continuing to adapt to break social norms and the status

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