
Porter's Five Forces In The Supermarket Industry

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In this era of globalization, the supermarket industry is one of the common investment sectors. It is also forming retail common categories of food products such as fresh and meats, poultry and seafood, fresh fruits and vegetables, canned and frozen foods as well as various dairy products. Investment in this industry can be profitable if succeed but bear in mind that risk still exists if monitoring process is not carried out. Therefore, Professor Michael E. Porter from Harvard Business School has introduced a tool for purposes of analysis potential industry which is the most profitable and potential. Porter stated that five forces are deciding an industry either beneficial at future or it will become a case study and commerce practice (Porter, M.E., 2008). Each of the forces is determined how competitive in that industry as well as the structure of the industry. Porter’s five forces factors are consists of competitive rivalry, the threat of new entrants, the threat of substitutes, bargaining power from …show more content…

This industry will be faced challenged when the location is not easy to be reached and the population of the areas are not much as expected. For example, the Aeon supermarket at Mid Valley Megamall Kuala Lumpur, the sales of this location is guaranteed as the population daily at Mid Valley Megamall in 120,000 peoples approximately (malaysiandigest, 2014). Other than that, most of the supermarket are operates or leasing in a popular shopping malls. This is because peoples nowadays are not going to supermarket on usual day or without purposes. For instance, Giant hypermarket at Plaza Sungei Wang is a good example. The population of this place is not crowded but most of the people have to pass by before they can go into shopping

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