Situational Warfare

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The Indian victory against Pakistan in 1971 was one of the greatest examples of operational art and the largest combined arms operation after World War 2. It was a masterpiece of Political objective, Strategic vision, operational planning and tactical execution. It is important to understand why it was seen as such a great victory. Warfare is usually divided into Positional attrition warfare (think World War 1, Iran-Iraq war or even the India-China war / India-Pakistan war of 1965) or maneuver driven situational warfare. The concept of maneuver warfare was propounded (at around the same time) by various European warfare experts, B.H.Liddel Hart (England) and Mikail Tucahavesky (shot dead by Stalin, and one of THE finest military minds the …show more content…

The Positional warfare suggests that you can win a war only by crushing the enemies main point of defense (mostly frontally – the British were a firm believer in this theory) while indirect / maneuver warfare suggests that you avoid the strong points, and hit the vulnerable rear of the enemy, keep him off balance, deny him his CCI structure and win the war by using terrain and encirclement (read up on Cannae or Kharkov / Smolensk for examples of encirclement warfare) . India which had favoured the first theory in all it’s wars till then used the second theory to great effect. The …show more content…

They keep pushing on towards their target without giving the defenders time to rest and redraw their defensive lines. 2 Corps used the classic maneuver tactics used by Germany in WW2, Israel in the Sinai. They ignored strong points while rushing the rear of the enemy lines (the OMG of Russian doctrine came into play). The infantry pushed on into Pakistani frontline positions who attempted to withdraw to prepared lines only to find them occupied by Indian troops. Defense spectacularly collapsed in this

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