
Positive And Negative Effects Of The Progressive Era

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The Progressive Era began in the 1900s and “ended” in 1917 . During the Progressive Era, many steps were taken to correct the problems facing an industrial America. In this era groups, the old and new working class, sought to reshape the government due to urbanization and industrialization. Industrialization led to the rise of big businesses at the expense of the worker. Factory workers faced long hours, low wages, and unsanitary conditions. The large corporations protected themselves by allying with political parties. Many people felt that all power rested with the politicians and businessmen. Reformers known as Progressives attempted to undo the problems caused by industrialization. The Progressive movement sought to end the control of large …show more content…

With the success of the assembly line it allowed for more men to be hired and time for cars to be fully assembled was cut in half . Even though this is considered a positive thing, it still had a negative effect as well. These are a few quotes Sinclair wrote to emphasize this negative effect, “…irresistible tendency was to increase the speed of the “belt”” , and “...he learns about it from the man who sets the speed of the belt─again it is like a tariff in that he can do nothing about it…there are a dozen strong men waiting outside to take his place. Shut your mouth and do what you’re told!” So even though the assembly created more employment it also made it easier to fire you if you complain about your job and it caused more accidents and injuries. But it also gave reason for the enforcers to overwork the laborers for faster production. Based on the definition of Progressive, Henry Ford was advocating for his workers by providing more employment and opportunities for men. Steve Meyer who wrote the Introduction of The Flivver King says that, “The specialized machines and the Taylorized work tasks destroyed the forms of skill which had long existed in metal-working shops and plants” . This quote tells us that, working the assembly line didn’t require a lot of skills, which in turn took away the “specialness” of the skill that a certain man might have had. A man …show more content…

Ford distributing $10,000,000 to all his employees’ as positive and negative . The minimum wage during this time was 2.34, which was still higher than most businesses. The public thought that he was paying $5 at the starting rate but that was a misconception. Henry Ford was paying qualified workers a bonus every two weeks on their paycheck ranging from $5 to $25. For example, “…even the lowliest laborer and the man who merely sweeps the floors will get at least $5 a day” . With this plan, came a switch from two shifts of nine-hours to three shifts of eight-hours, which in turn allowed Mr. Ford to hire 4,000 more men .To ensure that the men were “qualified” he Ford created the Sociological Department , which looks after the employees. The department consisted of “fifty moral and properly certified young gentlemen…” and the dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral in Detroit and they went to your house and talked to your family members, and your neighbors. They made sure that the men were not drinking or indulging in any inappropriate activities like, promiscuity . The Sociological Department also helped the workers find a job in the factory that they were good at because some men struggled in certain areas of the factory; so instead of firing the man they gave him an opportunity to experience another duty in the factory to see if it worked for that man . They also analyzed laborer’s income and his record to make sure that his income could sustain him

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