
Pre-Service Teacher Aida Vargas

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Pre-Service Teacher Aida Vargas Context (i.e., description/background of students (EC-12) being taught to include: number of students, demographic backgrounds, etc.) (20-50 words) The class consist of 26 students Hispanic students. The majority of the students come from a low socioeconomic status. There are 3 GT students (girls), 15 Intermediate level students (6 boys & 9 girls) and 8 Advanced level students (5 boys & 3 girls). Description of the Physical Space (20-40 words) The classroom is organized in 3 rows and each row consists of 9 desks. The teacher’s desk is in the corner of the room and the projector is on top of the desk. Content Area/Grade Level/Is the learning plan at beginning, middle, or end? Reading, 7th grade, Middle. …show more content…

Student Learning Outcomes/Objective(s) (SLOs) (Include lower and higher level SLOs) (no more than two, written as measurable instructional objectives) (20-40 words) This lesson will introduce the story elements. Students will learn how to recognize the beginning, middle and end of a story. The students will also use a graphic organizer to organize the elements of a story. Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes/Objective(s) (i.e., preassessment, formative, summative, alternative). (How are you going to assess students’ prior knowledge and learning of the SLOs above?) (50-100 words) Throughout the whole lesson I’m going to assess the students through formative assessment. While I’m explaining the story elements I will ask the students to provide examples pertaining the different sections. For example, once I explain internal conflict I will ask the students if they have ever been a similar situation and similar questions, until I see that they understand the material. At the end of my lesson, the students will work on their graphic organizer where they will provide their own examples. This will also help me assess their …show more content…

I will provided different examples, ranging from fairy tales to recent blockbusters. After that I will present a video that will briefly introduce the five elements of a story https://www.flocabulary.com/fivethings/. After we finish watching the videos, I will instruct several students to pass out the journals, scissors and glue. Once everyone has their materials, I will briefly go over what graphic organizers are and why they are important. Furthermore, I will ask students if they have ever used them in other classes and if they have helped them keep their ideas organized. After they have cut up the organizer and pasted it to the journal, I will begin. First, I will ask for a student to volunteer to read the definition of internal conflict that’s on the board. Then, I will repeat said definition in a simpler way and make connections that will help them understand. For example, I will ask the students if they have ever dealt with a situation where they had to make a choice, and they didn’t know what to do. Or if they have ever cheated on a test and had conflicting feelings on whether they should come clean. This will help me asses the students understanding of the material that is being discussed. I will do the same for the rest of the story elements. After that, the students will have to write the definitions of the story elements, along with their own

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