
Prohibition Helpful Or Destructive Essay

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Prohibition, Helpful or Destructive?
Prohibition was started when the 18th amendment was passed in 1919. It prohibited the manufacturing, sale and transportation of alcohol. This amendment created three things, organized crime, less worker absenteeism which lead to less domestic violence which lead to less hospitalization from alcohol, and it created disrespect for the law.
First, most people saw alcohol as the devil’s advocate and banning it would improve the quality of American lives, for other people, organized crime was seen as way to stay alive. While it was dangerous, it provided an opportunity to make money. Most of those who participated in organized crime saw it as one of the biggest opportunities in their life to make a larger amount …show more content…

Before prohibition everyone was scared to get caught doing something illegal. “After prohibition, some individuals inspired others to do illegal activities so nobody really cared about the law.” (6) Prohibition encouraged people to see the law as unimportant and unable to control them. When the law realized they had no influence on people some turned to aiding the criminals. “Many law enforcers in the Bureau of Prohibition and at the state and local level, were corrupt and took briberies. One example is Roy Olmstead, he was a Seattle Police Officer. When he learned of the opportunity to make profit by illegally transporting alcohol he took it. His business made much more than he would have made as a police officer. He also paid off the other officers so they would keep their mouths shut.” (6) Even some politicians aided the criminals, they would take bribes and stuff the ballot box or, put their money behind the candidate that the criminals wanted.
In conclusion this amendment created three things, organized crime, less worker absenteeism which lead to less domestic violence which lead to less hospitalization from alcohol, and it created disrespect for the law. I believe that it was more destructive than helpful because of the organized crime and disrespect for the

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