Civil Engineering Presentation Report

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Name: Bilal Mohammad
Student Number: 001412026

Overall Summary of Presentations:


Two professional engineering presentations were held during the last week of October by the Civil Engineering 2I03 course. Both of the presentations were done by Professional Engineers from industry. Spencer Snowling was from the company Hydromantis while Marianne Brown and Alison Orr were from the company OrrBrown. Hydromantis is a company that develops simulation-based tools for the municipal and industrial wastewater industries. They make mathematical models of wastewater treatment plans. OrrBrown is a building evaluation and investigation based company. The presentations focused on what civil engineers’ do, their responsibilities and the communication …show more content…

It is crucial to have good communication skills to solve problems and deal with other people in a calm and sophisticated manner. Situations, where you have to deal with difficult co-workers or clients are bound to arise. Knowing what to do to make the situation right is what engineers have to be good at. We should be able to work with and keep everyone happy. They both stated that technical engineering skills are often easier to learn, it’s the communication part that can be hard. Even though the communication skills can be hard to learn, they will be very important to our career development and professional …show more content…

He taught me the real world aspect of working for a smaller company which is something I would like to be a part of one day. Being able to climb a shorter ladder and work my way up with people in the company I know well rather than being stuck under a big corporation is something that inspires me. Working in a smaller company allows us to work the non-technical and technical parts of the job. This means you are not constrained to just the technical aspect of your job. For example, Spencer is a professional engineer but mostly deals with the company’s business side. It allows you to work on many tasks within the company. Working in a smaller company allows for a stronger relationship with your co-workers. This is something where, when you go to work it feels like home and you know everybody. Being able to see entire projects from beginning to end something that comes with working for a small

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