Albert Einstein Speech

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I would like to start this article with a quote from Albert Einstein: “You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else. “ After some time pondering this quote from Einstein, I realized that Einstein was not just referring to a game of sports, but also life and work experiences. My lifestyle choice as a swimmer started when I was around 12 years old. I grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere and swimming, just meant cooling off in the river on our farm. Our farm was too far from town in order for us to be High school day students. Going to High school meant boarding school. In my first year of High school, I did gymnastics, but hurt my ankle and I felt doomed as I really would have liked to …show more content…

I got that sinking feeling in my stomach (the type you get when you are in a lift) when the teacher arrived and I thought she was going to report me to the House Mother at the boarding school. To my surprise, we started talking and she said that she completed a coaching course, so if I want to, I could train with her two boys. That was music to my ears. The rest was history. Today I look back at 37 years of swimming. The only times that I did not swim in these 37 years, were when I had injuries, broke fingers, a broken leg and expected my baby. Oh, not to forget the times I left at 2 am for work and got home only at 21:00 pm that night as a representative. Needless to say, I took to the pool at every opportunity I could regardless of the circumstances, depending on pool availability of course. Reflecting on this lifetime of swimming, professional life and now the job title of Swim Mom, I realize that swimming bring more to the table than just being active, feeling good due to exercise and of course controlling weight. Swimming success leads to other success in life. You just need to love the sport and in my opinion, it will contribute to your lifestyle, career and everything else in the following ways: 1) Set goals and

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