
Responsibility Of Others In The Lather, By David Barber

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ways in which individuals take responsibility for themselves or others?

Responsibility is something taught using life lessons and jobs. Some people have noticeably better responsibility than others and it shows in many ways. A person's attitude and ability to overcome adversity could be an example of how much responsibility one has in their own life. In the poem “ The Lather” written by David Barber, responsibility for others is shown through the company “20 Mule Team” and the mining group providing homes around America with Borax to help clean all their needs.

In the second stanza of the poem, the author talks about how the bot pictures the miners having the responsibility of getting the ore out of the mines and into the giants heaps to …show more content…

But my definition of “others” is most likely a lot different than what others' definition of others is. I have a massive amount of responsibility for the animals around my family. They rely on me day in and day out no matter what. Many jobs in the world can be weather dependent and can differ whether someone goes to work or not that day. But for a farmer weather does not matter. From -40 to +40 it doesn’t matter the animals need to be cared for and need to be fed. Luckily enough for us, we have come far enough in innovation to have heated and cooled cabs on pieces of machinery. The animals are dependent on us for almost everything in their lives except for breathing. Feed, water, and shelter all come from the farmer and no matter what the conditions are, they need to be provided every single day. I have some responsibilities for myself involved in the responsibilities for animals and that is to keep myself safe. Working with animals can be very unpredictable especially when it comes to cows. Mother cows can mean the meanest and most unpredictable around their calves. Having respect for them and their space is what keeps me safe from anything that may come my way. Aside from the responsibility for the animals I have the responsibility of making sure others are safe as well. From working with the animals to operating machinery to take care of the animals. There is so much that could go wrong when doing either activity and most

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