Rice Plant Fertilizer Essay

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As an illustration, for the normal ground alone the government provides rice crop fertilizer recommendations as follows, Urea 200 kg - 250 kg, 100 kg SP36 KCI -150 kg and 75 kg - 100 kg. If using dosisinya NPK, 100 kg of urea and 300 kg NPK. It was only the recommended dosage, to specify precisely the dosage to be tested on its own soil. Whether it's between seasons or between locations. Apply fertilizer according to its own predictions and observations has a maximum do what has not. If not do fertilization with different doses again, and so on until you find a dose that is really optimal for rice. However, in the gift was not too far beyond the government's recommendation mentioned above that have been recommended. Below, there is a fertilizer recommendation …show more content…

So forth did Award Urea after conducting tests with BWD every 1 weeks. How to Apply Fertilizer on Rice plants: Sow evenly on paddy fields, if the system uses tiles. If using Legowo row planting system, of the system is necessary fertilizer only at the place of existing plants or outside legowo. Giving or distribution itself can be done through the legowo. There is also a provision of fertilizer dijimpitkan or placed at intersections within tanman rice. The conclusion of fertilizer given is not distributed evenly. There are also farmers who are so creative that gives the fertilizer by means dijimpitkan at the intersection between the plants, then stepped on one leg. All that is up, if there's time and effort fertilizer alone could dijimpit and trampled. This is the fertilizer most effective way, because can reduce the wastage of fertilizers by evaporation or carried by the flow of water. But if the taste is very troublesome and there is no time, there is another way to spread

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