
A Critique Of Black History Month By Richard Rodriguez

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The author, Rodriguez, introduces his audience to the reality of the process of Americanization: regardless of origin, one cannot inhibit the power of indoctrination of the American culture. One may derive from a primarily Mexican, Middle Eastern, or say, Pacific Islander heritage, however, the “majority culture” in the region of residence is what will soon come to define an individual. Hence why Rodriguez propagates that we all have a little Chinese within us. Rodriguez establishes his ethos as a renowned expert and speaker in the process of Americanization. He then introduces the fear that is often exhibited by the older generations – the loss of distinct heritage among our youth. Victimizing himself, he shares his experiences with opposition he faced regarding his view on culture in America and further refuting such claims. He …show more content…

That there are some instances when culture is not a choice; rather, it is something that evolves as an individual learns, grows, and lives life in various environments. It is stated that culture and America are consistently changing and mixing, leaving one defenseless in the wake of Americanization. Arousing a great sense of pride for the American culture, Rodriguez provides examples of such cultures in the form of stories. He repeats, “America exists” several times between stories to emphasize the reality that if two Americans were placed in a foreign country, they could easily be identified by their distinct American presence. He moves on to make a considerable point: that Black History Month is a month which all Americans may celebrate, because there isn’t one American who does not share black history. With roots in the Mexican culture, Rodriguez, as a young boy attended an Irish school maintained by nuns whom did not favor his rather oppressed characteristics. The young boy’s parents were asked to

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