Charvaka Materialism In Jainism Essay

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For Jainism to achieve this moksa, you need Three Jewels, namely, [1] Right Faith, [2] Right Knowledge, and [3] Right Conduct. According to Jainism, Right Faith is when on believes in real existence [tattvas]. Right Knowledge is when the knowledge that a person have is knowledge of the real nature of things without error or doubt. This is strikingly different from the notions of the Hindus, that the only way to acquire that kind of Knowledge is when you are one with the Ultimate Reality, which is Brahman. Right Conduct is when one practices the five virtues, namely: [1] Ahimsa (Non- Violence), [2] Satya (Honesty), [3] Asteya (Non-Stealing) , [4] Brahmacharya (Chastity) , [5] Aparithgraha (Renunciation). When one conducts himself in following the Three Jewels, he would be in a state of release. When one is on the state of release, then one attains the Perfect tranquillity, Perfect Knowledge, Perfect Power. It is possible to …show more content…

This Indian school of thought emerged as a reaction against the Vedic natural religion, against the rituals and sacrifices. Charvaka Materialism is the most different and far from all other Indian School of thought. For Charvaka opposed the common belief of the immortality of the soul and life after death. For them, matter, is of utmost importance. “As Matter all beings exists and to Matter all beings depend and return,” said Brigue, one of the materialists. Magdalena Villaba summarized the main teachings of Charvaka as follows: [1] That there are four elements which are the ultimate principles and they are earth, fire, water and air, [2] That our bodies, senses and objects are the result of different combinations of the said elements, [3] Consciousness arises from matter, [4] That the soul is but a conscious body, [5] That there is no other world than what we have, [6] The only end a human life has is enjoyment, and lastly [7] Death alone is

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