
Sally Ride Research Papers

605 Words3 Pages

Caitlin Etheridge

Ms. Weeks

Earth Space and Science


Sally Ride

Sally Ride was an amazing human being, and she was an amazing astronaut! She was born on May 26, 1951, she grew up in Los Angeles and went to Stanford University, where she was a double major in physics and English. (Space.com, 2018). Ride received bachelor's degrees in both subjects in 1973. (Space.com, 2018). She continued to study physics at Stanford, earning a master's degree in 1975, and a Ph.D. in 1978. (Space.com, 2018). She became an astronaut in 1977. (Space.com, 2018). Sally Ride contributed to space exploration by, being the first American women in space, working on the robotic arm on mission STS-7, and also mission STS-41G.

Sally Ride was the first American women in space. She became an astronaut, when NASA began looking for women astronauts in 1977. Sally Ride was a student at the time. She saw an ad in the school newspaper inviting women to apply to the astronaut program. Sally Ride decided to apply for the job. She was one of six women picked! (NASA. …show more content…

Her legacy still lives on today. She received numerous accolades shortly after her death. Ride had played a key role in the project's education and outreach efforts.President Barack Obama posthumously awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor, in November 2013 ''When she came back to Earth, she devoted her life to helping girls excel in fields like math, science and engineering." Says Obama. In another interview back in 2015 for Space.com she states that she started thinking about doing one myself for kids, and trying to do it as appropriately as I could with all the issues of death and being gay and being a gay couple, and Sally being such a hero to so many people.". It's amazing that her legacy still lives on just like she wanted it to do. (Biography,

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