Security Solution For Ambersfield College Of Medicine

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Security Solution for Ambersfield College of Medicine

Ambersfield College of Medicine is an academic health & science centre which primary goal is to educate and train the future generation of clinicians, do medical research and provide the best service possible for the patients. The institute’s network consist of 10 buildings each of them connecting in all, around 2000 devices. Each device will have different use like some will be used for research and will store important information for scientific purposes, some will store patient’s information such as their medical status or analysis and some will be used to store student’s personal details such as files, folders and account details as each student are allocated a Virtual …show more content…

In terms of hardware, at the very top will be found the router, which is the key point of the network as it will be the device which will allow connection to the internet by forwarding packets. It is the most critical part and therefore proper security measures will have to be taken to make sure that no one can penetrate into the network and be able to read packets which could potentially and definitely contain information which could be harmful in an intruder’s hand. Then, there will be the switch which will be used to physically connect each and every device either physically (Ethernet) or wirelessly (Wi-Fi). Next, will be the file server which would be used to store student’s information like data which is store on Virtual Hard Drives, as well as information concerning patients. Also, a DNS Server, which contains a database of public IP addresses and their associated hostnames, and in most cases, serves to resolve, or translate, those common names to IP addresses as requested, has been implemented by the college. Then, desktops PCs will be the one where student will be working …show more content…

While L2TP is quite similar to PPTP as it has features of PPTP and also L2F from Cisco, it will only need to generate the tunnel. On the other hand IPsec is often used to secure Internet Connection and can operate in 2 modes namely transport mode where it will encrypt the data packet message itself and tunnelling mode where it will encrypt the whole data packet. Therefore these 2 protocols could be combined together to form the L2TP/IPsec protocol where L2Tp will create the tunnel and IPsec will handle encryption, channel security, and data integrity check to ensure all of the packets have arrived and that the channel has not been compromised

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