Sharing Milestones In My Family

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My family shares some repeated practices that makes us unique and separate from everyone else’s family. Repeated practices are something that make everyone’s family unique and separate from everyone else’s. For example, I do not have a typical family of both biological parents in the home, but it is a mix of being traditional and blended. Not everyone’s families are the typical family who has both biological parents, and I do not have either which is absolutely alright with me. In my immediate family I would consider my mother and stepfather as the caretakers. Another family member who has made a big impact on my life would be my brother who has a big age gap from me, and his daughter who is my niece. Now that I am in college, I have come to …show more content…

An example of when sharing details about my day has made an impact on me is when I catch up with my family after not seeing them for a brief period. For instance, my family is open to hearing about anything and there is little that they are limited to discussing. Sharing milestones in my family has become a ritual since they are essential to every member in my family. An instance where this is displayed is when I had to make a choice to leave my family for college or not. Members of my family often stay in touch with using efforts to maintain this relational tie with the immediate side (Galvin 127). Ultimately, sharing my daily plans to my family about the overall day has shaped my life today. For example, being offered an amazing opportunity that can change my life and will take some time in my life. Sharing this news to my family made it even more special for this reason why this ritual can continue every day. At the end of the day being able to share significant parts of the day makes this ritual unique to me. “Reflecting on everyday connections emerge out of increasingly patterned interactions, which can develop implicitly” (Galvin 119). Sharing our daily routines makes these rituals even more special because it allows me to still live in my family 's moments. This ritual has been special to me in many instances because I feel like it is something that is worthwhile for a lifetime. For the most part, I have a close relationship with my family and there is not a whole lot of information which my family is unaware

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