
Shelly: Is It Ever Right To Lie

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I thoroughly enjoyed my interview with Shelly, not only because I learned some lies that Drew and Lewis had told, but also made me realize what I have learned in class already that I can apply it to. One area of crossover between this interview and what I have been learning in class over the past four weeks deals with the concept Adapt Responses to the Life Stage of the Child (Knapp, 2008). After my interview with Shelly, it made me realize that how children grow up lying is essentially how they were taught about lying when they were children. For example if you relate this back to my question 7 where I asked what is the best way to teach children about honesty. She basically said by example, but also make sure that they know …show more content…

After interviewing with Shelly this particular situation/family I would have to say that their family correlates to No, it is Never Right to Lie. As Knapp states in the book, “This position does not all for any exceptions” (Knapp, 2008, p. 44). I came to this conclusion due to Shelly didn’t have many example for me as to when her children lied to her or when her and Ed lied to them. She kept stating over and over again that she has always taught the boys about integrity and honesty. I can personally say that not all parents are like this. Shelly’s family is one tight-knit group that doesn’t allow lying as an excuse for their wrongdoing. Although this is one of the toughest positions to advocate for, I truly believe that the Novinska’s are all about honesty with one another, and making yourself a better person in the long run. More specifically Shelly talked about that not lying will make them a better person, and it will help the people around you as well. I related this to the concept of Slippery Slope or the Domino Effect. By implementing honesty into Drew and Lewis at an early age, they seemed to not lie as a result when they got older, this was proven by her few examples that she …show more content…

Knapp states, “Sometimes we rely on other people as out source of truth.” (Knapp, 2008, p. 22). From the interview, Shelly talks about the specific incident of Lewis telling a outright lie to her face after pulling down the pants of a former student of Lewis’s at school that day. While Lewis was at school, the principal called Shelly to inform her what he had done so that she was aware and could take the right actions. Lewis ended up having to call the student and apologize. With that being said, Shelly heard about this truth from an outside source such as the principal. As an overall hearing something through the grapevine isn’t always true, but if it is from the direct source such as the principle of the school it had to be true, and show that Lewis ended up lying to Shelly and

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