Social Problems In Society

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What is a social problem? How does a concern become a problem in the society? To answer these questions we need a consideration the society as a body of interrelated parts connected through a network. For example, a socially existing problem will affect the population in numerous ways. Therefore, significant features of these problems have extremely been a popular topic in sociology due to rapid changes in the society.
The definition of a social problem in two perspectives, Objectivists and constructionists notify two different stories. Objectivists view it as a behavior, condition or situation that may be harmful to a large crowd of people in the society. But how large are we talking about? 2500 people? How about to say 400000 people? On the other hand to what extent does the problem harm the group of people? What kind of harm does it give? These are quite difficult aspects to comprehend from a fact based definition of social problems. In constructionists view, we decide if a problem is social or nonsocial from human interaction. Since every one of us has got different perspectives, social problems can be defined as uncertain situations in the society where we focus attention to undesirable conditions which may have negative effect to others (Harris, 2013). From the functionalist perspective, the society is connected thought different organs similar to that of a living organism. Therefore, a change in one organ may cause changes in other organs too. Some

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