Stereotypes And Prejudice Research Paper

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This research work is a generalization of the investigated data and sources of the problem of stereotypes and prejudice towards people from different countries and nationalities. The primary objective of this study is to define the terms "stereotype" and "prejudice" for a better understanding of the problems arising in the communication and interaction between people. To demonstrate, as the examples in this paper will be presented to the main models of stereotypes that have developed in people's thinking during the existence of mankind as a whole. It is also worth noting that stereotypical thinking often leads to multiple problems in communication and life, for example: to work in an international environment, and …show more content…

422), the available knowledge about the subject on his perception and evaluation by direct contact. He argued that the stereotype as a psychological phenomenon is sketchy, stable and certain culture "image" of the world in the minds of people who are saving him the cost of self-perception and evaluation of any social objects or phenomena and supposedly defend his values of life, rights and positions.
Tajfel (1978) summed up the results of various studies in the field of social stereotypes: 1) people show excessive enthusiasm in the evaluation of various groups of people or social categories by the prejudice and harsh judgments; 2) characterized by the stability of stereotypes for a long time; 3) To what extent stereotypes can be modified by changes in political, social or economic conditions; 4) social stereotypes are becoming more open and dangerous when growing hostility between the groups; 5) Children stereotypes inculcated very early, which deprives them of the possibility of independently form an objective opinion about a particular group of …show more content…

As mentioned earlier, the stereotypical thinking is the way to nowhere and destructively branch in the development of relations and cooperation between people. People have to understand that stereotypes are always present in our everyday life and do not disappear on us. That is why it is important to distinguish between the subjective opinion of a folded about people of a particular nationality from reality, which is proving to be a very different side of the coin.
As mentioned in the previous sections - the world has become global and very successful cooperation is necessary not to look at stereotypes and accept people as they are. Over stereotypes can laugh in humorous TV show, but in any case not be guided by them when dealing in real life as it might offend someone else. For a man it is very difficult, but at the same time it is very important to free their minds from garbage and start to think and analyze what is happening in the world on their own. If each person starts to clear his mind, the world will gradually freed from the old stereotypes, and the emergence of new will be

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