
Socioeconomic Status In The Great Gatsby

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Stereotyping Societal Standings in The Great Gatsby
The novel The Great Gatsby demonstrates the effect of wealth and socioeconomic status in the environment occupied by characters who are presented in being of different societal classes. The role of socioeconomic status in the characters involved within this novel is representative of the idea that one’s wealth and social class does indeed influence his role and location in society. The portrayal of poverty stricken people having low moral standing and wealthy people having arrogance towards others often seems stereotypical, yet it is true to life when considering the roles people play today because of their having money. You can interpret the social standing of the characters obviously offering …show more content…

The idea that their respective social class influences Gatsby’s role and location in society is prevalent because of their interaction with said family and friends. It is also is shown in their own actions which are parallel to distinct structure and sociological reasoning. Yet we see Gatsby coming from “shiftless and unsuccessful farm people,” (Fitzgerald 134) but because he wanted Daisy so bad he made up his own background of a past wealthy existence which pervaded his life.
Gatsby presents a stereotype of personification of class; however, because he “invented just the sort of Jay Gatsby that a seventeen year old boy would be likely to invent” (Fitzgerald 142) readers feel that Gatsby just lied and cheated to become wealthy and to get what he wanted; Daisy. His justification was by no means for any other reason but his own selfish desires, which can be certainly proclaimed as a stereotypical attitude of those with wealth, not mired in …show more content…

To live as though whatever class presented to society makes the space affective to Gatsby. The unique actions for reasons in relation to his role in society offers readers a view beyond the simple plot we have continually explored in both history and literature. While we see that Gatsby offers a stereotypical pattern, the rich man is arrogant, it goes well beyond stereotypes to show the space in which the character belongs in is one of their own reflective and respective

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