
Socrates On Ignorance

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Socrates himself doesn't claim to know anything, but does claim to realize that he doesn't know anything. In a way, he's saying that living a life where you don't realize your own ignorance is not worth living. People who live an unexamined life have their emotions suppressed due to ignorance. Their soul is still there, but it is chained by wrong judgment of reality. I think Socrates is trying to say that by examining one’s life, what is meant is that one essentially compares oneself to another being and says, “In relation to that thing over there – where about am I?” The standard in this case, is virtue. This type of “virtue” would be the fulfilling of the full living potential of something. Fulfilling in this case is an enormous word, because …show more content…

Well, it makes them morally evil. The saying, “Ignorance is bliss” is complete nonsense. I’ll try to explain. Is it in this case ignorance as in lack of knowledge or lack of awareness that there is knowledge that one has not yet acquired? And how can it create bliss? A word that is used to define enjoyment or pleasure. It may prevent unhappiness from not knowing what we are missing, however, lack of unhappiness does not mean that one is happy. Absence of knowledge of something better does not mean someone is content. If you think ignorance is bliss, or not knowing is being happy, how do you truly know that you’re happy if you are not aware. The statement is completely ironic. I truly dislike it with a passion. Ignorance is defined as: lack of knowledge or information. So is ignorance really bliss? Or is it just being lazy? Ignorance is curable. However, you can't save people from their own laziness. Even if ignorance doesn't kill you it's certainly going to make you suffer from internal conflict. To relate this back to Socrates’ quote, “The unexamined mind is not worth living”, he makes an implication that a person who is trapped in his own ignorance is chained by wrong judgment of reality. Therefore, if you live in ignorance, are you really living? Or are you basically a zombie? To an extent that man is a rational animal, what good is a human who neglects to use his greatest asset to better himself? Ignorance is certainly NOT

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