
Steven Avery Miranda Rights Case

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In the case of the Steven Avery and Brendan Dasey’s trial, there were quite a few errors in the trial. Even though I believe Steven Avery is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt I also believe that the law made several large mistakes. The constitutional rights that were violated by the Wisconsin justice system were among the sixth and the fifth amendments. The fifth amendment in the aspect of Miranda rights states that a person being interrogated or receiving custodial questioning must be told their Miranda rights. These rights are the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law, the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney one will be provided for you. These rights were made to be impressed …show more content…

In the earlier paragraph I stated that our Miranda rights are the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law, the right to an attorney, if you can not afford an attorney one will be provided for you. The reason police have to tell a person these before detaining or questioning is because if they gain a statement or confession without telling a suspect their Miranda rights those statements are no longer valid in any court of law. This is exactly what happened in the Miranda V. Arizona case. Miranda was detained by police for questioning and gave a written confession after two hours of custodial questioning. Miranda confessed to the kidnapping and killing a girl and was sentenced to twenty five to thirty years in jail. Miranda ended up being let go because the supreme court decided that since the defendant was unaware of his rights at the time of giving his written confession those confessions could not be used in Miranda's case. Because of this police now read everyone they question or detain their Miranda rights. In the case of Brenden Dasey, Brenden was unaware of his Miranda rights and was under the age of eighteen. Therefore, Brendan's mother should have been called and been asked if she wanted to be there or even if it was okay for them to question Brenden. Brendan’s mother states that she was never called or told Brendan was in police custody, but police have said they did call her and were given her permission. Even if what the police have said is true Brendan was unaware of his rights as an American citizen. Brendan is now sitting in a jail cell because of

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