
Summary Of Anthem By Ayn Rand

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Ayn Rand’s 1938 novella Anthem, all people live as a collective society, where everyone is equal. Individualism no longer exists in this dystopian story. The government in this society controls all of its citizens and decides that person’s life for them. The main character, a young boy named Equality 7-2521, decides to challenge this collectivist government on his quest for new discovery and accomplishments. Throughout the story Equality’s personal character and individualism evolve parallel to his achievements in his underground tunnel. Equality, a street sweeper, uses his vast curiosity to invent new things that he believes will help with his greatest ambition of becoming a Scholar. While Equality believes that his discoveries will benefit …show more content…

He is brighter, smarter, and more driven than the others. The society that he lives in tells its people that they are all equal, meaning that no one is more intelligent or talented than anyone else. However, Equality exceeds these standards. By learning his lessons in school Equality excels prominently in his studies. He knows he should be a Scholar, but that is not what the Council of Vocations thinks. He is placed as a street sweeper where he spends his days cleaning the city. One day while working with International 4-8818 they stumble upon a tunnel, that is presumed to be from the unmentionable times. This tunnel becomes a safe haven for Equality. It is a place where he can go and experiment every night and learn about the world. It is here where Equality discovers the power of light. This new discovery enlightens Equality, though being afraid of his transgression. He brings the new power to the Home of The Scholars where he is ridiculed and shot down by every one. The Scholars refuse to except this new …show more content…

However, writes “No single one can possess greater wisdom than the many Scholars who are elected by all men for their wisdom. Yet we can. We do. We have fought against saying it, but now it is said. We do not care. We forget all men...” This journal entry shows that Equality has found the strength and courage to accept what he has discovered. It is human nature to be driven to succeed in life, and to prove ones worth. To Equality, this discovery does just that. This sense of need for self ( ) shows that it is okay for Equality to be motivated in this

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