
Summary Of Inside Out With Susan Modaress On School To Prison Pipeline

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In order to begin the process of answering the research question, I had to watch some documentary on school-to-prison-pipeline and read many scholarly articles to compare the data of the effect of children when they are placed into the criminal justice system at a very young age. My first documentary was Inside Out with Susan Modaress on School to Prison Pipeline, in 2002, there were nearly 126,000 juveniles imprisoned in youth detention facilities, nearly 500,000 juveniles are taken to detention centers every year, this does not show the juveniles who have been tried as adults (Modaress, 2014). These juveniles are being brought to detention centers for a minor offense they commit in schools, for example, talking back to the teacher, wearing …show more content…

Richard Ross has interviewed over 1,000 juveniles in over 200 facilities all over the United States, he has gone to detention centers, correctional centers, and treatment centers. He has also worked alongside with the police department and juvenile courtrooms in order to get a better inside on how juveniles feel while they are locked up. All the people he has interviewed are as young as 10 years old to their late 20’s there are both females and males, who are placed behind bars. Almost 3 of every 4-youths detained in a facility for delinquency are not in there for a serious violent crime (Ross, 2012). They are in there for a minor offense, that happened at school against a teacher or student, or juveniles don’t have a suitable home. In a couple of his interviews, the juveniles are locked up at a very young age and it isn’t their first time being locked up they had multiple offense. Also, once they are placed in the criminal justice system, it is hard for them not to live up the stigma of …show more content…

While they are completing their sentence, they are not going to school nor an education is being given to them. So, when come back to society, most of the juveniles drop out of school or start skipping school because they don’t see why they need and education if they are always going to be targeted. Audrey Gibson, State Senator from Jacksonville states that 66 percent of African Americans graduated from high school, 16 percent African Americans make up the state, and 48 percent of the prison population are African Americans, which is unavailable because of the percentage of in state African American (First Coast Forum, 2014). Black students or students of color are three times more likely to be apprehended than a white student for committing the same offense. David Utter states, if a student is arrested one time he or she doubles the chance of dropping out of school; if the student goes court one time than he or she quadruples the chance of dropping out of school (First Coast Forum,

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