The Challenges Of Moral Dilemmas In Education

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“The difference between moral dilemmas and ethical ones, philosophers says is that in moral issues the choice is between right and wrong. In ethics, the choice is between two rights”. (Pamela Warrick). Ms Warrick is simply saying that for moral dilemmas is basically anengagement in constructing choices between the rights and the wronghowever for ethics it is the choice that you make out of two rights. In education system, there is something called Code of ethics set as rules for teachers to follow when confronted by ethical challenges. It helps them cope with ethical issues that they are confronted with. Therefore thisessay willon ethics in education, secondly will be discussing some challenges faced by teachers in schools, thirdly will be discussing some solutions to the challenges and lastly will be the summary of the essay which will be the conclusion. …show more content…

It is a set of rules and regulations that teaches students on identifying the wrong and the right to do thing in schools in order to become a successful, honest and an accountable person in the future. In schools, there is a written document produced by some professional body to guide the teachers to maintain their ethical ideals when faced with ethical issues. It helps them maintaining good relationship among peers and stakeholders when an issues arise.Ethics in education is basically something that teachers need to know for the benefit of both the teacher and students. Somehow, there are challenges that the teachers faced in which teacher faced while implementing the

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