The Global Water Crisis

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The world is getting thirstier, today, nearly 1 billion people in the developing world do not have access to clean, safe drinking water. 97.5 percent of the earth’s water is saltwater and undrinkable, less than 1 percent of fresh water is usable, amounting to 0.01 percent of the earth’s total water. These astonishing statistics shock me that the clean water we drink every day is hard-won. Water is limited natural resources, also it is the most important thing to all living. If we do not conserve, recycle, and more efficiently use water, our environment would have serious ecological consequences, such as climate change. Water crisis had become the most pressing environment issue, terrible in some countries like Africa. It may not obviously affect …show more content…

The global water crisis getting worse by the day and threatening millions of more people every year, therefore, water protection strategies are needs urgently. In article “Water of Life”, Postel point out a question that why are the greater amounts of money and sophisticated engineering have not solved the world’s water problem? “We have been trying to meet insatiable demands by continuously expanding a finite water supply” (Global Issue 225). Postel emphasises that human demand too much water which is limited and unable expand resources. Postel provided some suggest for protect, recycle, and how efficiently use water can contain people’s water demands and avoid or delay an ecological reckoning. “tried-and-true measures as thrifty irrigation techniques, water-saving plumbing fixtures, native landscaping, and wastewater recycling can cost-effectively reduce the amount of water required to grow food, produce material goods and meet household needs” (Global Issue 225). The author suggestions are convincing because each example she lists are improvable base on the technology today. Another example of wasting water is every people doing every day, which is using pure water to flushing the toilet. I suggest people use dish water or the water after wash vegetables to flushing. This is kind of use up the water by the second time, better than use pure …show more content…

The priority project we should do that is put investment to develop the infrastructure which can turn rainwater and stormwater harvesting, recycling, alternative energy use. In addition, only the protective measures of water are not enough, so we should create a new law to regulate human behaviours in order to protect the environment. As Martin Luther King said, the law may not change the heart but it will restrain the heartless. It is difficult or takes long-term to change human daily habits, but a law with punishments can at least restrict or let human perceive what is right and

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