
Nuremberg Laws And The Holocaust

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The Holocaust was the massacre of 11 millions people by the Nazis, six millions of them were Jews. The original meaning of “holocaust” in Greek is “sacrifice by fire,” so the Nazis planned massacre of the Jews. The Hebrew word "Shoah," which means "misery, destroy, or waste," is also used for mass murder. The Nazis used "the Final Solution" to mention their plan of murdering Jewish people. After Nazi conquered Germany in 1933, they believed Germans were better than they were. During the time of holocaust, the Germans also killed the Gypsies, Slavic people. Other people were killed because of their political, religious, behavior causes, and they could be communist, socialist, and even homosexuals. …show more content…

The Nuremberg Laws, on September 15, 1935, began to get rid of Jews from public life. The Nuremberg Laws included a law that remove German Jews their citizenship and a law that forbid marriages and having an affair between Jews and Germans. The Nuremberg Laws set the legal example for further anti-Jewish law. Nazis then add anti-Jews laws over the next several years. For example, some of these laws close out Jews from places like parks, fired them from their jobs (i.e. government jobs), and Jewish doctors can only work for Jewish patients. During the night on November 9-10, 1938, Nazis started a pogrom against Jews in Austria and Germany in what hat they called, "Kristallnacht" also known as ("Night of Broken Glass"). The savage night involved the taking away and destroying of synagogues, sabotaging the windows of Jewish businesses, rob their stores, and they physically attacked many Jewish too. Also, about 30,000 Jews were sent to the concentration camps after arrested. After World War II started in 1939, the Nazis began forcing Jews to put on the yellow Star of David on their clothes so recognizing and targeting Jews could be …show more content…

Five more massacre places were in separated in Poland, including Chelmno, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek and most them in Auschwitz-Birkenau. Started from 1942 to 1945, Jews were expelled from their own country to the camps from all over Europe, including German-occupied area as well as those Germans-allied country. During the summer and fall of 1942, when more than 300,000 people were expelled from the Warsaw ghetto alone. The Nazis were trying to keep the camps operation as a secret, but the number of the executing made this impossible. Eyewitnesses reported the Nazi brutality in Poland to the Allied governments, who were criticized after the war for their fail to respond, or to announce the mass murder news. The lack of action was most likely because of the Allied focus on winning the war, but was also the general misunderstanding with which news of the Holocaust was in denial and disbelief that such thing could be happening on such a large scale. At Auschwitz, more than 2 million people were killed in the process of gathering people to start the camp. A large population of Jewish and non-Jewish prisoners worked in the camp there; though Jews were poisoned, thousands of others died of hunger or illness. During the summer of 1944, even as the events of D-Day (June 6, 1944), a large population of Hungary’s Jewish was forced to go to Auschwitz, and

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