The Importance Of Diplomatic Immunity

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Diplomatic immunity and privileges has severally been projected to be a major rot in modern global relations on the bases that abuses have taken over the normal workings as a result of decadent diplomats. It can be reiterated that the immunities and privileges granted to diplomats are in order and in line with international customs and practice having long been accepted as a basic element of international law. It was considered to be absolutely necessary that the diplomat receive the necessary freedoms in order to fulfil his functions. What the diplomat accomplishes using the immunities and privileges granted is another chain of thought. At the inception of diplomacy when the need for diplomats arose, men of credence, tactful, of high intellect with impeccable character were carefully selected with the instructions to promote trade ventures of their home countries . This immunity was extended as a courtesy to allow for an uneventful stay in the host country. As times went by and government policies change, the instructions given became modified to suit the needs of the home countries and her citizens. Further into the future, the criteria for choosing or becoming a diplomat became politicised resulting with a government sending people even those with little or no diplomat-like qualities to represent them all over the world. Quite naturally the abuses that follow due to the unsavoury characters laced with immunities and privileges …show more content…

The convention categorically states that, “A diplomatic agent shall enjoy immunity from the criminal jurisdiction of the receiving States. He shall also enjoy immunity from its civil and administrative jurisdiction… ”. Owing to this blanket immunity, debased diplomats (their staff and family members) have gone on a rampage from simple misdemeanours to bizarre

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