
A Clean Well-Lighted Place Analysis

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A camera is no use without a lens, and a story is useless without a point of view. The point of view of a story is like a lens on a camera, it gives the reader the ability to look inside a world and get the perspective of a select picture. The point of view brings with it freedoms or limitations, thus affecting the reader and their comprehension of the events unfolding. Relationships between the story and the narrator are also created from the point of view, which is why narrative perspective is such an imperative instrument in the telling of a story. It is with the point of view that an author can guide the reader through various events and create an overall theme of a story. Differences in narration can greatly affect how a reader experiences literature. For the most part, there are two types of narration in stories: first person and third person. A second-person point of view exists but is very rare. Authors that use a second-person point of view make the reader one of the characters, thus including the reader in the story. There is also …show more content…

The conversation takes place in a clean, well-lit café. The waiters are discussing a regular client, a well-to-do, deaf elderly man that enjoys drinking late into the night and who recently attempted suicide. The younger waiter is irritated with the elderly man as he would like to return home to his wife and life. He does not understand why the old man remains at the café or why the man tried to take his own life. On the other side of the coin, the older waiter understands the elderly man and the despair he potentially feels, as well as why the man enjoys the café compared to a noisy bodega. The older waiter recognizes the elderly man 's inner turmoil and identifies similar feelings within himself, thus juxtaposing the two elders against the younger

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