The Quest For Freedom In Anita Desai's Literature

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Anita Desai stands apart from other female Indian writers due to her involvement with the life of young men and women in Indian cities. She discards all social concerns and asserts that she is interested in individual and not in social issues. She is concerned with psychic life of her characters. Her concern is the ‘why’ and the wherefore of the external action rather than the action itself. Her forte is the exploration of mind and soul and not the body. While dealing with the psychic problems of her characters, she finds longing her liberty in them. For her depth is interesting. She is not interested in external world. Desai stands apart from other women novelists for she throws light on the inner mental conflict which her character undergo. Narrating the mental agony of a very complex dimension there is forceful yearning for liberty in character’s life. Anita Desai’s chief concern seems to be the quest for liberty, which her characters crave for. She has successfully portrayed this aspect in nearly all her novels. The quest for liberty prevails as the recurring theme because nearly all the characters in her novels yearn for liberty from bondages. There is no plan, no place, nothing to keep them at peace. Their …show more content…

In order to attain liberty these female characters have reacted sometimes violently and sometimes silently. Anita Desai has added a new dimension to her fiction by taking up the cause of the neglect class i.e. women of society. She presents in her novels those women characters, who find it very difficult to adjust in the present mechanical set up and therefore they long for liberty. In her novels, Desai presents woman’s pursuit for liberty, equality. Her rebellion and protest against oppression at every level. Anita Desai excels particularly in highlighting the miserable position of highly sensitive and emotional women tortured by a humiliating sense of neglect in the male dominated

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